Against all doctors’ predictions, the girl who had almost no muscles survived, got married and had a baby

Mrs. Sheri Psaila, a kind-hearted woman, has a condition called arthroplasia, which means her muscles and joints are barely formed and her limbs are deformed.

Against all doctors' predictions, the girl who had almost no muscles survived, got married and had a baby


Doctors gave newborn Sheri the shocking diagnosis. They predicted that the girl would not live more than a year.

However, the girl had a plan of her own. She survived. At the next doctor’s appointment, the parents learned that their daughter would be in a swivel chair for the rest of her life.

Against all doctors' predictions, the girl who had almost no muscles survived, got married and had a baby

However, Shirley proved once again that she would not give up in the face of her illness.

And this is how, little by little, the little girl was able to return to a completely normal life. She went to school, studied at a vocational school and graduated.

Against all doctors' predictions, the girl who had almost no muscles survived, got married and had a baby

She lives her life enjoying every moment, every success, every sun. She is a good example.

While attending college, Cherry met a young man named Chris, and the two hit it off immediately.

Against all doctors' predictions, the girl who had almost no muscles survived, got married and had a baby

The problem was that he had a congenital spinal cord disorder. They quickly married.

Against all doctors' predictions, the girl who had almost no muscles survived, got married and had a baby

When Cherry became pregnant, she was delighted, but suffered a miscarriage.

Doctors prohibited the woman from giving birth because her life was in danger. It was a miracle that she was alive. If she were pregnant again, that child would die.

Against all doctors' predictions, the girl who had almost no muscles survived, got married and had a baby

Do you think Cheri accepted the doctor’s prophecy this time? No, she didn’t! We only envy the strength of will of this frail woman, her resistance and persuasion, and she became pregnant for the second time.

Against all doctors' predictions, the girl who had almost no muscles survived, got married and had a baby

Nine months later, a boy was born into the family, without the slightest abnormality. Obviously, Cheri cannot fulfill all her duties as a mother. For example, she couldn’t pick up the little one when he cried and had to wait for the babysitter or Chris to come.

As far as the present moment is concerned, this little family is very happy. We can only hope that she will grow up healthy and make her parents happy.


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Against all doctors’ predictions, the girl who had almost no muscles survived, got married and had a baby
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