90-year-old grandma gets up early every morning to cook for stray dogs

A 90-year-old grandmother gets up early every morning to cook for stray dogs “She is worthy of our thanks”

In the beautiful city of Ghaziabad, in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, there lives an incredibly affectionate granny. Every morning, well before sunrise, she gets up with a mission: to feed more than one hundred and twenty stray dogs from the local foster home.

His attachment to these animals is a true source of light in an often dark world.

90-year-old grandma gets up early every morning to cook for stray dogs

This exceptional lady, despite her clearly visible physical problems, does not want to give up her affection for dogs.

Although she is ninety years old and suffers from severe osteoporosis, she never fails to wake up before dawn to prepare delicious meals for her 4-legged animals. All her gestures, all her efforts are imbued with the great affection she has for her pets.

A volunteer, moved by the great generosity of this grandmother, shared her impressions with us: “every day, I see her unwavering loyalty. At the end of each meal, she is impatient to know if the 4-legged companions enjoyed her preparations.

His eyes shine with joy when I show him the recordings of their feast.”

90-year-old grandma gets up early every morning to cook for stray dogs

Under the push of her heart full of compassion, this kind-hearted woman was finally brought to the shelter where she met her charges. The look of happiness in his eyes was evident and lit up every corner of the room.

Her bright smile reflected the pure and selfless love she has for these sentient creatures.

90-year-old grandma gets up early every morning to cook for stray dogs

His case shows us the value of generosity and highlights the need to care for each other, whatever the pitfalls we encounter on our path.

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90-year-old grandma gets up early every morning to cook for stray dogs
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