Every year, on the same day, these three fantastic grandmothers come together to celebrate their birthday

These three close friends have known each other for a long time and celebrated their 100th birthdays this year, which was a true event.

The world was very different when the three best friends were born in Auburn, Maine, in 1919.

Every year, on the same day, these fantastic grandmothers come together to celebrate their birthday.

There was a 1.9% chance that a girl born in 1919 would live to be 100 years old.

One of them, Dot Murray, had vivid memories of the tough times caused by the global economic depression of 1929-1930.

Every year, on the same day, these three fantastic grandmothers come together to celebrate their birthday

Every year, on the same day, these fantastic grandmothers come together to celebrate their birthday.

“In the early ’30s, times were tough, but we made it through,” Murray said.

The three friends have different interests; for example, one of them loves reading and music. They also enjoy singing together as a group.

On their hundredth anniversary, Murray said, “I have no pain. I continue to fulfill all my dreams as usual.”

Every year, on the same day, these three fantastic grandmothers come together to celebrate their birthday

Every year, on the same day, these fantastic grandmothers come together to celebrate their birthday.

A century later, these three friends have some wise advice to offer.

They hope that people appreciate their time and pay attention to issues that concern the entire planet, like climate change.

Murray urges accepting others as they are, showing tolerance. Their main advice was, “Love each other, my dears. There is nothing more important than love and kindness.”

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Every year, on the same day, these three fantastic grandmothers come together to celebrate their birthday
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