After 5 years of waiting to have a child: a mother gives life to quintuplets “Thank you for your wishes”

The birth of a child is one of the biggest decisions a household may have to make. However, sometimes this dream is complicated to realize and maternity is prolonged, which leads couples to seek medical assistance.

After 5 years of waiting to have a child: a mother gives life to quintuplets “Thank you for your wishes”

Multiple birth pregnancies are uncommon in France

It is rare for couples to expect the arrival of 3 or more children at once. Every year in France there are nearly two hundred cases of triplets out of eight thousand twin births, a quarter of which follow natural pregnancies.

However, cases of quadruplets and more remain quite extraordinary.

After 5 years of waiting to have a child: a mother gives life to quintuplets “Thank you for your wishes”

Looking for a 3rd child

The Jamie_Skyler couple got together in 2004 and immediately welcomed their first son, Shayden, who was born in 2005. Then, Jamie gave birth to their second son, Landon. However, for 5 years, the household desperately tried to give birth to a 3rd child.

After 5 years of waiting to have a child: a mother gives life to quintuplets “Thank you for your wishes”

The couple contacted a fertility specialist, and during the second part of the process, they won the prize, but not in the way they expected. At 19 weeks, Jamie looked like she was 9 months pregnant! She could no longer get around on foot and needed a wheelchair to move around.

After 5 years of waiting to have a child: a mother gives life to quintuplets “Thank you for your wishes”

The doctor confirmed the pregnancy a few weeks later and it was revealed that Jamie had extremely high levels of HCG, a hormone produced by expectant mothers. Such an increase usually indicates that the woman is pregnant with several children.

When the couple set a date for the ultrasound, they thought they just had to see if there were twins. But Jamie was carrying 5 babies.

The mother, like many other pregnant women, was seized by a strange need to nourish herself with particular foods. Specialists recommended that he take around four thousand calories daily.

After 5 years of waiting to have a child: a mother gives life to quintuplets “Thank you for your wishes”

“I felt a bit like I had a gigantic pumpkin in my stomach. I found myself full all the time, but I always wanted to eat and drink.”

The couple didn’t want to take any risks with so many little lives at stake. So they temporarily moved to Saint George, Utah, so that Jamie would be constantly monitored by experienced specialists.

After 5 years of waiting to have a child: a mother gives life to quintuplets “Thank you for your wishes”

The 5 little ones came into the world at the 29th week.

All babies weighed just under 1 kg at birth. By a miracle, all 5 children were born in perfect health. Complications are not that rare in this type of birth.

After 5 years of waiting to have a child: a mother gives life to quintuplets “Thank you for your wishes”

The happy mother confided: “The words of love and hope that we had even helped us to overcome this phase of pregnancy, which was very risky”.

After 5 years of waiting to have a child: a mother gives life to quintuplets “Thank you for your wishes”

It’s always great to see little lives being born, but it’s even more so when the birth process is so extraordinary. And the wonderful thing is that everything went so well!

After 5 years of waiting to have a child: a mother gives life to quintuplets “Thank you for your wishes”

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After 5 years of waiting to have a child: a mother gives life to quintuplets “Thank you for your wishes”
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