Meet Jurabek, the four-year-old boy who wants to steal Whitney Houston’s crown: the little icon

Since Whitney Houston made the Dolly Parton song famous in 1992, artists of all ages have tried to reclaim it. magic ever since. But this lovely Uzbek artist is impressing with his touching performance.

Meet Jurabek, the four-year-old boy who wants to steal Whitney Houston's crown: the little icon

Jurabek Juraev was only four years old when he appeared in this viral clip. As the camera gives us a closer look at the little man writing his tunes in the studio, we’re not sure what’s more impressive: his endearing commitment to the story or his voice. sings his killer.

While singers usually give as much performance as possible when covering this song, we love that Juraev keeps it classy with his smooth, intimate tone. But don’t worry, he still has plenty of vocals to show off when the song calls for it.

Meet Jurabek, the four-year-old boy who wants to steal Whitney Houston's crown: the little icon

As the lesson comes to a close, we see Juraev smiling brightly at the engineer and praising a job well done. This four-year-old powerhouse could be the music industry’s next rising star and we can’t wait to see what he does next․

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Meet Jurabek, the four-year-old boy who wants to steal Whitney Houston’s crown: the little icon
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