What is the meaning of the cross drawn on your door?

Today, when I was leaving the house, I noticed a small cross on the front door. ❌πŸšͺI had already heard stories about these strange symbols, but seeing one on my door scared me 😟. I started to do some research, and what I discovered scared me even more. Read the details in the article πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡.

What is the meaning of the cross drawn on your door?

Did you know that some burglars use symbols to mark their targets?

These marks are usually drawn with chalk, and through them, burglars communicate with each other.

For example, the cross means that this house is targeted for a burglary.

A triangle means the homeowner is a woman living alone.

What is the meaning of the cross drawn on your door?

A crossed circle means there is nothing of value in the house, and a zigzag warns that there is a dog.

Sometimes, thieves add the letters N (night) and D (Sunday) to indicate the ideal times for them.

If you’re going on vacation and want to protect your home, here are some tips:

First, you can ask a neighbor to empty the mailbox while you’re away.

What is the meaning of the cross drawn on your door?

Post vacation photos only after you’ve returned home.

Install cameras, alarms, and choose locks with multiple points of security for your doors.

And if one day you notice symbols on your door, contact the police immediately.

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What is the meaning of the cross drawn on your door?
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