The millionaire led a happy family life for 20 years, then he accidentally discovered that not all the children belonged to him

The millionaire lived happily with his wife for 20 years and had no idea about her secret.

Richard thought they simply had an ideal family. However, this story suddenly transformed from a fairy tale into a strange detective story: by chance, the man discovered that none of the three children belonged to him.

The millionaire led a happy family life for 20 years, then accidentally discovered that not all the children were his.

At the age of 55, Richard Mason managed to amass a fortune of £10 million.

He invested successfully in the popular price comparison website, which brought him money.

The man was given the opportunity to focus entirely on his family and his beloved wife.

The millionaire led a happy family life for 20 years, then he accidentally discovered that not all the children belonged to him

The millionaire led a happy family life for 20 years, then accidentally discovered that not all the children were his.

Kate Mason, on the other hand, was perfectly content with her role as a housewife.

Three sons were born into the family. Richard intended to leave the business to them as an inheritance.

The millionaire led a happy family life for 20 years, then accidentally discovered that not all the children were his.

One day, the man went for a routine medical check-up, which completely changed his life.

The specialist explained to Richard that, for natural reasons, he could never have had a single child.

The millionaire led a happy family life for 20 years, then he accidentally discovered that not all the children belonged to him

When the man heard this news, he didn’t immediately find the strength to return home.

“I felt like I was in a bad movie. This just doesn’t happen: for 20 years, I’ve been raising someone else’s children!” Mason later told reporters.

The millionaire led a happy family life for 20 years, then accidentally discovered that not all the children were his.

The wife did not deny the evidence. She admitted that the children belonged to another man and agreed to the divorce immediately.

The millionaire led a happy family life for 20 years, then accidentally discovered that not all the children were his.

Kate also said that she had indeed met another man over those 20 years but refused to disclose his name.

The millionaire’s family completely separated. Two of the three children stopped communicating with him, but the third one said he still considered Richard as his real father.

It took the man three years to heal his heartbreak. However, Richard remarried. The new wife promised to be as honest as possible with him.

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The millionaire led a happy family life for 20 years, then he accidentally discovered that not all the children belonged to him
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