The Survival Story of Christina, Born Prematurely Against All Odds

The Survival Story of Christina, Born Prematurely Against All Odds. Christina had a low birth weight. Due to her condition, she had to spend her first 102 days in the neonatal intensive care unit. The worried doctors prepared the baby’s parents for the worst: that she might not survive.

The Survival Story of Christina, Born Prematurely Against All Odds

Some births can experience worrying complications, especially with babies born prematurely. This was the case with Christina Radley, who was born three months earlier than expected. Doctors thought this baby would not survive.

Christina had a low birth weight. Due to her condition, she had to spend her first 102 days in the neonatal intensive care unit. The worried doctors prepared the baby’s parents for the worst: that she might not survive.

The baby had difficulties throughout the pregnancy. Early ultrasounds showed that the embryo was very small and not developing properly, and at 20 weeks, an emergency C-section was decided.

The Survival Story of Christina, Born Prematurely Against All Odds

During the 102 days that followed, the newborn faced numerous health issues and narrowly escaped death multiple times. But little Christina managed to hold on. Thanks to the efforts of the doctors, who did everything they could to save her, Christina survived.

She even celebrated her first birthday. Maria and Jonathan, the parents of little Christina, were relieved and grateful. “We feel incredibly lucky and grateful.

The Survival Story of Christina, Born Prematurely Against All Odds

I remember one day in intensive care when a baby next to Christina didn’t survive, and how terrified we were for our own baby. The doctors call her a miracle baby and they are right,” the couple said.

“When you see what Christina endured at the beginning of her life and where she is now, it’s incredible. We never thought we could bring her home,” added Maria.


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The Survival Story of Christina, Born Prematurely Against All Odds
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