A 21-year-old girl married a 50-year-old man against everyone: their incredible love story amazes

Claire, a 21 year old girl, started working in a gym as an administrator after graduating.

Claire met us with a personal trainer, Scott. Although the girl had a boyfriend, she fell in love with this man who was 52 years old.

Since the age of 19, Claire had been having relationship problems with her boyfriend and after meeting Scott, she finally left him.

A 21-year-old girl married a 50-year-old man against everyone: their incredible love story amazes

Scott also had a lover. But because he really sympathized with Claire, he also broke up with his girlfriend.

After leaving their halves, Scott and Claire became a couple. New lovers began to meet more and more often.

But Claire’s parents, all their relatives and friends condemned the couple because they were so different in age.

They said Scott was more like a father to Claire. So, this prevented the couple from feeling fully happy.

A 21-year-old girl married a 50-year-old man against everyone: their incredible love story amazes

But all these accusations could not stop the lovers from loving each other more and more, and they decided not to pay attention to public opinion.

Their relationship improved day by day. They recently got engaged and decided to get married soon.

On her Facebook page, Claire wrote that she wishes society would stop condemning relationships sentimental due to the large age difference. He believes that love has no age, boundaries or limits.

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A 21-year-old girl married a 50-year-old man against everyone: their incredible love story amazes
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