The events of this incredible story took place in the United States in 2017. An unusual world record was set in Tennessee.
CBS News reported that a woman from the state of Tennessee, named Tina Gibson, successfully gave birth to a daughter from a frozen embryo that had been stored for 24 years.
Tina’s husband, Benjamin, suffered from infertility, and the couple had an adopted daughter.
But after seven years of marriage, the 26-year-old woman and her 33-year-old husband decided to turn to in vitro fertilization (IVF).
For Tina’s fertilization, specialists decided to use an embryo from an anonymous donor that had been selected and placed in a cryobank in 1992.
Tina became pregnant after this long-frozen embryo was placed in her uterus.
The delivery was not easy, but the woman gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The baby weighed nearly three kilograms. The parents named her Emma.
Researchers from the University of Tennessee noted that this was a unique case: Emma was the first child whose embryo had been frozen for 24 years.
“It turns out that my daughter is only a little over a year younger. Perhaps we could be the best of friends if she had been born in 1992,” said Tina Gibson.