A French engineer invents housing for the homeless that retains heat during the winter

The cold is an ordeal that far from spares everyone, particularly homeless people who bear the brunt of the harsh winter weather.

Often alone in the middle of freezing nights, some die of cold, despite the efforts made by NGOs and prefecture authorities to come to their aid.

A French engineer invents housing for the homeless that retains heat during the winter

A French genius designed a kind of igloo to shelter the homeless from the cold; this innovation, relayed by Mashable, shows the genius of this good citizen.

The number of homeless people in France continues to grow, and in 2017, according to FranceInfo, there were 143,000 in France’s large cities. These homeless people are precarious.

A French engineer invents housing for the homeless that retains heat during the winter

Some are unemployed, specifies FranceInfo, others have a job but do not have the necessary resources to be housed.

Faced with the plight of the majority of these destitute people, a brilliant man designed a “roof” to keep them away from the cold.

Geoffroy de Reynal, specialist in mechanical construction, designed, based on his professional activity, a sort of igloo.

A French engineer invents housing for the homeless that retains heat during the winter

This habitat is made of polyethylene foam, covered with a layer of aluminum on the inside and has a heat of more than 15°C. It can therefore be easily transported anywhere.

In addition, internal thermal insulation protects the shelter from extreme cold while keeping the body warm.

A small solar light ensures a minimum of convenience and visibility at night.

The tent can also be reused, especially since it is water-resistant and recyclable.

9 of these igloos are being tested in Bordeaux and have met with a strong response from the homeless who requested them.

A French engineer invents housing for the homeless that retains heat during the winter

With his initiative, Geoffrey has proven that it is entirely possible to make intelligent inventions with very little money and, above all, that with a little empathy and solidarity, it is always possible to preserve many human lives.

This genius inspired many others with his invention, and should encourage everyone to be helpful to others.

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A French engineer invents housing for the homeless that retains heat during the winter
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