A mother does her job by cutting out a cardboard cutout for her son: the unique case of Sato family

A crying child is a mother’s worst nightmare. That is the case of the Sato family, their son cries constantly if his mother is away. The mother then created a life-sized image of herself out of cardboard and placed it out of the child’s reach but within his sight when she needed to leave the room.

A mother does her job by cutting out a cardboard cutout for her son: the unique case of Sato family

See the child playing happily but constantly looking at the mother’s photo to see if she is still in the room. This little trick might be just what many moms need to do to get simple tasks done around the house while their kids play.

Ms.Sako always comes to check on her child about every 20 minutes, while another adult is there to watch her child in her absence.

A mother does her job by cutting out a cardboard cutout for her son: the unique case of Sato family

The presence of the photo allows him to do simple things like take a shower or prepare a meal. This tip might be something every mother of a clingy child should try.

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A mother does her job by cutting out a cardboard cutout for her son: the unique case of Sato family
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