A young Japanese girl spends $64,000 to transform from an ordinary girl into an anime character

It is very likely that no girl has ever expressed complete satisfaction with her beauty.

There is always something about oneself that one would like to change.

Some people use cosmetics, adjust their diet, exercise, or resort to simple beauty procedures.

And others go to extreme measures.

Simply put, the results are astonishing. What was “before” and what is “now” are completely different entities.

A young Japanese girl spends $64,000 to transform from an ordinary girl into an anime character

The admirers of the young girl had no idea that she had a different appearance before.

The young Japanese woman now closely resembles anime characters, with slender wrists, a small chin, expressive large eyes, and a straight nose.

Despite everything, she looks incredibly natural; one wouldn’t even notice the changes.

However, the young Japanese woman does not hide that she spent 1 million yen to get the appearance of her dreams.

She started by completely remodeling her face, and then she continued.

A young Japanese girl spends $64,000 to transform from an ordinary girl into an anime character

Weight loss was the next step. She started eating well and exercising, which made her lose 12 kg.

She now has both a dream figure and a face.

The young girl documented all the changes and is happy to share the photos. The modifications have delighted her followers.

The young Japanese woman claims that it is not just a matter of appearance. She felt much more confident after all these changes.

Finally, she looks in the mirror and smiles, appreciating her appearance.

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