An unusual woman who never forgets anything: a unique ability or punishment

How much it would help us not to be able to remember anything at school or university – it would make studying much easier! But how do we live, for those who really cannot forget anything?

Jill Price, who lives in Los Angeles, remembers everything that has happened to her over the past 28 years, in great detail.

Jill herself calls this ability a punishment. If you ask Jill what happened that day, she can tell you the whole day: what time she woke up, who she saw, what she did and even what she ate.

Memories can even come back to Jill through songs or smells. Now Jill is 42 years old from the age of 11 which she remembers every day.

An unusual woman who never forgets anything: a unique ability or punishment

Jill Price was the first to be diagnosed with hyperaccurate autobiographical memory syndrome.

Californian scientists decided to call this characteristic hypermesic syndrome.

Just recently, scientists discovered 5 other people with the same abilities as Jill, and 50 more people are being examined to confirm the diagnosis.

Scientists have proven that the five people have a different brain shape than ordinary people’s brains.

More recently, Jill Price wrote a book called The Woman Who Don’t Forget.

An unusual woman who never forgets anything: a unique ability or punishment

Jill believes that it is her brain’s super ability to remember everything that is to blame for the fact that a woman suffers from depression for many years, but Jill would not want to give up such an ability at all.

Rebecca Sherrock has the same super-memory syndrome as Jill and she would happily deny it, because she believes her brain is littered with useless facts that keep her constantly on her toes.

Moreover, Kim Peak has this ability. Scientists believe that Kim’s memory is the most developed. Kim Peek remembers 98% of everything he lamented.

In his memory, Kim has all the maps of major cities in America, telephone numbers and even postal codes.

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An unusual woman who never forgets anything: a unique ability or punishment
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