The parents left their child alone with a fighting dog: What happened will make you think

Many people harbor apprehensions about dogs of large breeds and may perceive pit bulls as aggressive and unmanageable.

Placing such a dog around a baby may seem absurd to them. However, the protagonists of our story made precisely this decision.

2-year-old pit bull Ethan absolutely adores little Antony.

While many people believe that this breed is inherently wild and advocate for strict breeding controls, Ethan demonstrates that training is far more essential than origins.

The parents left their child alone with a fighting dog: What happened will make you think

The dog’s owner, John, shared photos online that could change the minds of even the staunchest pit bull skeptics. “Antony met Ethan the day after he was born,” John explained.

Despite the theoretical potential for danger that a pit bull may pose to a baby, the parents had no doubt that Ethan would harm him.

“It turns out that the dog can play with the little one at any time and protect him,” the two parents marveled at the pit bull’s steadfastness.

The parents left their child alone with a fighting dog: What happened will make you think

John and his wife’s stance is supported by breeding professionals. Specialists consider pit bulls to be excellent caregivers. These animals love humans, especially children.

However, pit bulls’ guarding abilities are often overestimated because this breed only appears intimidating but is actually very gentle and affectionate in character.

“By being brutal with an animal and cultivating its aggressive nature, any breed can become a real menace, but in our case, it’s entirely the fault of the owner. Ethan also fell victim to brutal people,” John stated.

In our home, he arrived at the age of 5 months, very weakened and afraid of people.

After that situation, Ethan needed a lot of care, and we helped him leave behind the trials of his childhood,” John explained.

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The parents left their child alone with a fighting dog: What happened will make you think
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