Kathy and Devon have chosen to defy social stereotypes by deciding to live together despite their age difference

When inseparable Katie Jenkins and Devon Aubrey exchanged their vows to be together, many guests expressed their surprise.

Despite a 47-year age difference, Kathy and Devon chose to defy societal stereotypes by deciding to live their love.

And the following year, the couple intends to get married.

Cathy, a retired septuagenarian, worked as a waitress throughout her life.

Kathy and Devon have chosen to defy social stereotypes by deciding to live together despite their age difference

To ensure the well-being of her children, she worked hard and prioritized them.

Although she was never officially married, Kathy is happy to consider herself the mother of 4 children and the grandmother of thirteen grandchildren.

Devon, a 27-year-old man working in a warehouse, was previously married but separated at the age of 21.

The story of Katie and Devon’s encounter began on a dating platform where their profiles coincidentally crossed paths.

Kathy and Devon have chosen to defy social stereotypes by deciding to live together despite their age difference

Shortly after their first exchange, their friendly online relationship turned into something more significant.

Katie was impressed by the young man’s wisdom and life principles, while Devon was captivated by the woman’s intelligence and wit.

Despite general beliefs, the age difference is not a cause for concern between the two lovers.

Katie and Devon assert that affection knows no boundaries and that genuine emotions surpass all limits of age and social class.

Kathy and Devon have chosen to defy social stereotypes by deciding to live together despite their age difference

They intend to get married and enjoy life together.

In reality, among Katie’s descendants, only her daughter opposed their union.

What is your perspective on these partners? Do you trust their affection?

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Kathy and Devon have chosen to defy social stereotypes by deciding to live together despite their age difference
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