Our own voice sounds strange to us: Psychology explains why we don’t like the sound of our own voic

When we hear our own voice, we often do not recognize it, and it may sound unfamiliar to us.

Why does this happen? Psychologists come to our aid.

According to experts, this is a phenomenon motivated by both psychological and physiological factors.

When we speak, our brain perceives the sounds of our voice differently than when we listen to a recording.

When we speak, the sound reaches the brain from both the outside and the inside.

Our own voice sounds strange to us: Psychology explains why we don't like the sound of our own voic

The external path occurs through the diffusion of air, while the internal path occurs through the resonance of bones.

Even though our bones make a difference, the sound of our voice can still seem strange to us because our psyche comes into play and creates an uncomfortable feeling.

Silke Paulmann, a psychologist at the University of Essex, explained that a person’s voice may sound hoarse or higher.

But that’s not all. We may not even recognize our own voice.

Our own voice sounds strange to us: Psychology explains why we don't like the sound of our own voic

In a study from 2013, experts recorded the same sentence from the same person multiple times and then mixed these voice samples.

None of the participants recognized their own voice.

Furthermore, according to psychological research, a person’s voice can be disturbing as it may reveal aspects of their personality.

When someone speaks, they do not perceive the nuances of their own voice, which can be, for example, anxious, irritated, indecisive, and so on.

One of the reasons we may not appreciate our own voice is that it can reveal aspects of our character that are unknown to us.

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Our own voice sounds strange to us: Psychology explains why we don’t like the sound of our own voic
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