Superheroes among us: this man spent 16 years and $7,000 to look like superman

Filipino Herbert Chavez has transformed himself beyond recognition to fulfill a childhood dream – to be like Superman.

He has undergone 23 plastic surgeries to look like a blue-eyed superhero rather than a dark-skinned Asian.

In fact, Chavez has dedicated his entire life – 22 years – to the pursuit of this ideal. He is now 41 years old!

How long can he continue to appear as a young Superman? Can he find himself? A rhetorical question…

Superheroes among us: this man spent 16 years and $7,000 to look like superman

The only misfortune that the superhero cannot overcome is a beer belly.

Chavez even had to seek help from a plastic surgeon. The latter advised him to exercise and stop eating chocolate in the evenings.

Liposuction and six-pack abdominal implants can have negative effects on health.

For the same reason, he had to abandon another fixed idea – to increase his height. In comics, a superhero measures much more than 170 cm.

Superheroes among us: this man spent 16 years and $7,000 to look like superman

The man spent $7,000 on his transformation, while the average salary in the Philippines was $1.4 per hour.

The man doesn’t reveal the secret of how he financed all these procedures, as he grew up in a very poor family.

His father was a tricycle rickshaw driver in Calamba, and his mother sold food on the street.

Currently, the man works as a children’s entertainer, he enjoys entertaining children and bringing them joy, smiles, and hope.

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Superheroes among us: this man spent 16 years and $7,000 to look like superman
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