My teenage daughter claims it’s my fault she’s pregnant and demands I raise her baby ​

A teenager stunned her mother by announcing her pregnancy and blaming her for the situation.

Although the girl asked her mother to raise the baby, her mother firmly refused and turned to online platforms for advice. Although overwhelmed, the mother remained firm in her decision.

A mother shared on Reddit the journey she has had with her 18-year-old daughter until today. She revealed how difficult things had been between the two since the teenager turned 16.

The mother noted that 2024 has been particularly difficult, as her daughter wanted to take a break before going to college, but unfortunately, she is unemployed.

The teen’s mother claims her daughter, who is non-binary, has been unemployed since Thanksgiving 2023 because she left her previous job during the Black Friday period.

My teenage daughter claims it's my fault she's pregnant and demands I raise her baby ​

After leaving this job, the teenager took on four to five other jobs in 2024, all of which she left while claiming that these jobs were discriminatory against her because of her identity.

The daughter revealed shocking news to the mother who was about to give her an ultimatum.

She wanted to persuade her daughter to go to school full-time the next semester, find a full-time job, or move out and live with her friends.

The bombshell fell before she could give her daughter these choices: the teenager came to see her mother and told her that she was five months pregnant.

It is shocking to see that the teenager blamed her mother for her pregnancy.

She said she was pregnant because her mother did not put her on puberty-blocking hormones, even after she opened up about her identity two years ago.

My teenage daughter claims it's my fault she's pregnant and demands I raise her baby ​

The teenager also accused her mother of trying to “feminize” her by offering her contraception.

The young woman refused to take the contraceptive method; she used to refuse her prescription due to her refusal to allow her mother to feminize her.

The mother said it was the first time she had heard of contraception.

She discussed alternatives to estrogen-free pills and noted that if her daughter had wanted them, she would have just asked and taken her to the doctor.

Additionally, the mother pointed out that her daughter had her own car and medical card, but she wasn’t sure how she would have handled the co-payment without a job.

She recalled that her daughter’s old high school provided free condoms, noting that the teen had access to contraception but chose not to use it.

My teenage daughter claims it's my fault she's pregnant and demands I raise her baby ​

The mother said things were worse when her daughter was past the abortion date. She insisted that she would have supported her daughter if she had chosen this option.

Her daughter had known about her pregnancy for about two months and had not chosen abortion, despite living in a country where abortion is legal and having the financial means to do so.

The mother also revealed that the teenager had started to consider the baby as a brother or sister.

She expected her mother to raise the baby as she had, attributing the pregnancy to the mother’s refusal to accept her non-binary state.

Despite her reluctance to raise her daughter’s baby, the mother wondered when she should step in and take a legal adult to the hospital.

The mother then said that in the middle of the night she heard her daughter going out and suspected she had intended to leave without saying anything.

My teenage daughter claims it's my fault she's pregnant and demands I raise her baby ​

The teenager had decided to take some of her clothes and stay with one of her friends, whom the mother suspected of being the father of the baby.

Before leaving, the girl informed her mother that she had already called the police to assure them that she was leaving of her own free will and that she was not in danger.

The mother found this gesture insulting, as she had not intended to report her 18-year-old daughter as a runaway.

Despite the situation, the mother told her daughter that she needed to work out the details if she intended to co-parent with the father.

She also made it clear that her daughter would be welcome home once she had a plan in place. Their interaction was brief, as the teen was already on her way out.

The mother then told Redditors that she wondered if she had raised a spoiled brat or someone with an emerging personality disorder.

My teenage daughter claims it's my fault she's pregnant and demands I raise her baby ​

She sought advice online from people who weren’t emotionally involved in the matter and asked Redditors how she could support her daughter while still holding her responsible for her baby.

“She is an adult now and should take responsibility for herself

I’m sure you’ll be there anyway when she gives birth – you’re her mother, after all – and hopefully she’ll grow up and understand what was wrong with her behavior.”

The user also observed that the daughter expected her mother to read her mind somehow.

The person expressed sadness at the girl’s apparent lack of appreciation for everything her mother had done for her, noting that she only seemed to want more from her.

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My teenage daughter claims it’s my fault she’s pregnant and demands I raise her baby ​
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