The blogger decided to settle on a deserted island and lived there alone for 4 years

Chad Zucker is one of the most unusual bloggers who gained an army of subscribers and fans thanks to his unique experiments.

Once inspired by the story of Robinson Crusoe, he decided not to wait for fate and settled on a deserted island in the Caribbean to test his strength and skills.

There, armed with a camera, batteries, and satellite internet to transmit his videos, he lived for three years.

How did he survive without anything else? The blogger started the experiment in 2017 and didn’t end it until 2021.

The blogger decided to settle on a deserted island and lived there alone for 4 years

The traveler’s first task was to build shelter from the wind and rain and also find food.

The Caribbean is a tropical paradise with plenty of edible fruits and vegetables and a sea full of fish and seafood.

But for him, it was more challenging: Chad had neither the tools to saw the wood and assemble the house, nor any materials.

At first, a thin canopy saved him, but it quickly collapsed under the onslaught of the elements.

The blogger decided to settle on a deserted island and lived there alone for 4 years

Zucker soon discovered that the ground on the island was clayey and could be exploited.

He filled a small area with liquid clay and made bricks for the walls of the future dwelling.

It took him four months to build the hut.

Agree, it’s a great idea if you want to get away from it all.

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The blogger decided to settle on a deserted island and lived there alone for 4 years
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