The canine companion is thrilled to meet his future human friend for the first time: admire the sweet scene

The adorable little Chihuahua warmly welcomes his newborn friend.

The dog named Quica couldn’t stop wagging its tail. The pup was very excited to meet his human little brother for the first time.

The canine companion is thrilled to meet his future human friend for the first time: admire the sweet scene

Nine months is not a short period for a dog. The four-legged friend eagerly awaited the arrival of the tiny human.

The Chihuahua had been dreaming for a long time of meeting the new baby and now couldn’t contain its excitement.

When the father lowered the infant to show him to Quica, the dog wagged its tail as fast as possible and immediately rolled onto its back as a sign of submission.

Baby Nicolas was sound asleep, and it seemed like the pup wanted to lie down next to his human little brother.

It’s evident that this devoted Chihuahua would protect the child for years to come.

The canine companion is thrilled to meet his future human friend for the first time: admire the sweet scene

The way the dog displayed its belly and rolled on the floor was adorable. It undoubtedly wanted to protect little Nicolas.

This meeting surely marked the beginning of a deep friendship between the dog and the baby.

The four-legged friend Quica was so gentle with the infant and seemed to be asking its owner if it could sniff him.

With a dog like this Chihuahua, little Nicolas would feel protected and comfortable.

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The canine companion is thrilled to meet his future human friend for the first time: admire the sweet scene
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