The longest birth interval for twins: these two twins were born with a 97-day difference

Initially, Oksana had a premature birth on November 17, 2018, when she was only 26 weeks pregnant.

The newborn, suffering from respiratory and feeding problems, was immediately transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit to face the challenges of prematurity.

In the meantime, Oksana was preparing for the birth of her second set of twins. Unexpectedly, the birthing process was interrupted, and the second twin, Leoni, “didn’t want” to come out of the womb.

The longest birth interval for twins: these two twins were born with a 97-day difference

This resulted in an incredible 97-day gap between the births. On February 22, 2019, Oksana returned to the hospital and gave birth to Leoni, the second twin, who was born weighing 3700 grams.

Dr. Uwe Schellenberger, the doctor involved in the situation, highlighted that, during his long career, he had encountered cases of twins born at different times, but the extraordinary 97-day interval represents an unprecedented record.

The longest birth interval for twins: these two twins were born with a 97-day difference

The case of these twins is now in the running to enter the Guinness World Records as “the longest birth interval for twins.”

The story underscores the rarity and uniqueness of this situation, making the twins the protagonists of a unique and extraordinary story.

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The longest birth interval for twins: these two twins were born with a 97-day difference
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