The mother left her little girl unattended in the store, and the child destroyed cosmetic products

Recently, anger and laughter erupted on the internet after the publication of these photos on Facebook in the Extraordinary Life Makeup Artistry group dedicated to cosmetics.

It all started when a mother entered the Sephora cosmetics store. She left her daughter unattended.

The mother left her little girl unattended in the store, and the child destroyed cosmetic products

And, as usual, children love to destroy everything around them. In just a few minutes, the little girl managed to damage cosmetic products worth $1,300.

The Facebook group administrator, Britney Nelson, wrote that recently, at Sephora, a small child destroyed very expensive cosmetic products.

“I’m almost sure the little girl mistook the eyeshadow and other products for finger paint, and I can’t even imagine how mischievous the child must have been.”

Then, the woman addressed mothers: “Moms, please, buy makeup without your little kids.”

The followers of the page fully agreed with the group administrator.

“I started going to cosmetic stores with my daughter only when she was older,” wrote one woman.

“In reality, it looked 100 times worse than in the photo. We were about to enter the store when we suddenly noticed a mother and her child running out of the store,” wrote another woman.

The mother left her little girl unattended in the store, and the child destroyed cosmetic products

Some of the users wrote that it was just a child and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. But mothers should be careful when entering a cosmetic store with their babies.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:

The mother left her little girl unattended in the store, and the child destroyed cosmetic products
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