The plastic container that the woman used to save her closest friend from the floodwaters

Chloe Adams and her dog narrowly escaped the rapidly rising floodwaters just in time.

To get away, they had to swim to a neighbor’s roof.

Even if she wanted to, her elderly dog couldn’t swim in the peaceful creek.

Adams told The Dodo that the thought of losing her terrified her more than death itself.

She had to do something to safely transport her across the lake.

The plastic container that the woman used to save her closest friend from the floodwaters

Adams tried to float on Sandy’s bed, but it sank. She grabbed a large plastic container for Sandy, but it also fell.

With minutes to spare, she swam to the next roof, placing a sofa cushion under Sandy’s container.

Adams and Sandy were stuck for five hours due to the storm and rising tides.

The plastic container that the woman used to save her closest friend from the floodwaters

“I held Sandy on my lap and covered her with a plastic container,” Adams said.

Adams’ uncle paddled and rescued them. Adams and her family are staying at Adams’ grandmother’s place to recover.

They found each other and are overjoyed.

“We console each other,” Adams continued. She comforts me by putting her head on my lap after I reassure her that everything is okay and give her a hug.

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The plastic container that the woman used to save her closest friend from the floodwaters
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