They lost almost 200 kilograms and how they achieved it, look at the pictures

They lost almost 200 kilograms and how they achieved the result

In most cases, we are motivated by the stories of those people who have joined forces and used every means to achieve results.

This story tells how a man and a woman were able to lose almost 200 kilograms.

Dustin was born as a fairly large boy. His weight was 5 kilograms. Naturally, he was much larger than his peers during his school years.

They even laughed at him and said he couldn’t find a girlfriend.

They lost almost 200 kilograms and how they achieved it, look at the pictures

However, they were simply mistaken because he met Raquel.

She shared with him her greatest passion – the love of food. The critical moment came when the number on the scale was already off the charts.

So the man weighed 242 kilograms, and his wife weighed 135 kilograms.

Due to their obesity, they had many problems, but the main issue was that they couldn’t have a child.

They lost almost 200 kilograms and how they achieved it, look at the pictures

They lost almost 200 kilograms and how they achieved the result

Subsequently, the couple took a crucial step – they underwent gastric bypass surgery. Furthermore, they promised to completely reconsider their diet.

They showcased their weight loss journey on social media, gaining many followers.

After their weight returned to normal, the couple had a daughter. They also started their own food delivery service for those who are also trying to lose weight.

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They lost almost 200 kilograms and how they achieved it, look at the pictures
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