Mothers of three children are more stressed than those of four or five: study explains why

According to a study, when it comes to mothers and children, the number 3 is far from perfect.

Giving birth to a child and raising them is not an easy task. And if we’re talking about parents with only one child, it’s even more complicated for those with three.

Today Parents’ study claims that mothers with three children are the most stressed of all. This conclusion is drawn from studies involving over 7,100 mothers.

The degree of stress was measured on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. Mothers with three children scored the highest on this scale. It’s worth noting that the highest average scale in the survey was 8.5.

Mothers of three children are more stressed than those of four or five: study explains why

However, the authors of the study noted that one should not generalize all families, as each has its own unique challenges.

What was most interesting for experts was the transition from two to three children, which was particularly stressful.

According to many mothers, their lives become more stressful with the arrival of the third baby.

Another interesting finding: 60 percent of the surveyed women said that raising boys was easier than raising girls.

Mothers of three children are more stressed than those of four or five: study explains why

And if you think this sociological survey discovered that mothers of four or five children are more stressed, then you are mistaken.

This strange phenomenon has an explanation supported by psychologists. According to Dr. J. Taylor, the more children one has, the more confidence they have in their parenting abilities. When you reach four or more children, you stop being a perfectionist and let go.

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Mothers of three children are more stressed than those of four or five: study explains why
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