Many countries have abandoned cities. The reasons for the disappearance of cities are multiple: ecological and natural disasters, displacement of all economic activity to other places, exploitation of natural resources.
Small settlements are the results of accidental events.
Once full of life, they are today deprived of infrastructure, administrative services and urban transport. However, people live there.
With its abandoned buildings and entire houses in the middle of a thick forest, this small town looks like a ghost from the past.
Previously, the city was the seat of a huge and wealthy agricultural enterprise which provided work for most of its inhabitants.
The multi-storey buildings were equipped with electricity, a boiler and a telephone. The city’s administrative services and cultural complex were installed in an old stately building.
An accommodation center for families waiting for accommodation has been set up in the civil servants’ premises.
Then the closure of the collective enterprise caused unemployment among the city’s inhabitants.
The inhabitants left their homes in pursuit of employment and a more pleasant life, abandoning numerous possessions and objects of all kinds.