Twin sisters gave birth to daughters with a half-hour difference on their birthdays

Sisters Amber Tramontana and Autumn Shaw from Knoxville, Texas, gave birth to daughters on their birthday, just half an hour apart.

On their 33rd birthday, twin sisters Amber Tramontana and Autumn Shaw gave birth to two daughters, Blakely and Charleston.

The deliveries took place in the same room, with the same doctor. The babies were born with a 30-minute gap.

The chances of such a coincidence are only 1 in 150,000, but the sisters were born under a lucky star.

Twin sisters gave birth to daughters with a half-hour difference on their birthdays

According to the sisters, they had considered giving birth simultaneously and having the chance to see the babies right away.

Blakely was born half an hour after Charleston. “It’s fantastic!” exclaimed Dr. George Vick, who led the delivery.

“It was a real surprise for us too, despite the fact that we were well aware the sisters were supposed to give birth on the same day. It’s a miracle, for sure!”

During his 45-year career, he had never experienced anything like it.

The twin sisters, Amber and Autumn, were less surprised than the doctors.

Twin sisters gave birth to daughters with a half-hour difference on their birthdays

According to them, throughout their lives, they did everything in unison, and the birth of their children is no exception.

“We went to school together, attended the same nursing school, trained together, and our sons were born 10 weeks apart,” the twins rejoiced. “Now, our princesses were born in the same stride!”

From now on, the Tramontana-Shaw extended family will celebrate four birthdays on the same day and always be together.

The twins are excited, eagerly planning their joint and lively holidays.

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Twin sisters gave birth to daughters with a half-hour difference on their birthdays
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