Now, what does the unusual face of a little boy who finally became happy look like: see inside

“There are people who are born with physical defects or who acquire them due to an illness.

Fortunately, there was a TV show that helped the hero of our story find happiness.

The little boy named Serge had a congenital facial problem.

Doctors claimed that the child’s skull had not formed correctly, which is why he had almost no nose left.

And the doctors couldn’t decide to help him.

Now, what does the unusual face of a little boy who finally became happy look like: see inside

One day, Serge’s parents took the boy to the program ‘I’m ashamed of my body,’ which helped people who had issues with their appearance.

Serge could no longer bear his condition because his peers made fun of him, and strangers gave him unfriendly looks.

Because of his nose, the teenager had no friends.

The specialists of the show took on the task of handling this difficult case.

Now, what does the unusual face of a little boy who finally became happy look like: see inside

Serge had two surgeries. The first was to correct his upper lip, and the second was to restore his nose.

Fortunately, both surgeries yielded good results.

The boy’s appearance changed significantly.

Serge and his family were infinitely happy. The boy was no longer ashamed of anyone. He started to smile and became sociable.

After graduation, another surgery will completely correct his nose.

Thanks to the charity of people and the skills of the surgeons, the boy can enjoy his childhood.”

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Now, what does the unusual face of a little boy who finally became happy look like: see inside
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