11-week-old girl speaks for the first time: Her first word amazed everyone

Look at how enchanting she is when she says her name.

Her name is Eela, and she has achieved this extraordinary feat at the tender age of eleven weeks.

When newborns discover the wonders of words, they often babble wildly and make all sorts of sounds.

11-week-old girl speaks for the first time: Her first word amazed everyone

Parents must try to understand what their children are saying and attribute meaning to the often meaningless words.

Little Eela is eleven weeks old and has already achieved an advanced feat: saying her own name.

Her loving mother captured this priceless moment on video for internet users around the world to see.

11-week-old girl speaks for the first time: Her first word amazed everyone

This accomplishment is remarkable not only because Eela is so small, but also because a child’s first words are usually “mama” or “papa.”

So, Eela is not only incredibly clever for a little girl but also a rebel.

Although babies can start making sounds as early as seven weeks old, most of these expressions are proto-languages or sounds that are close together but not quite words yet.

These include expressions like “da-da” and “ba-ba.”

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