Melissa McCabe, a sixteen-year-old teenager from Tranmere, has overcome extraordinary challenges to achieve her academic goals. In November 2020, she welcomed her son Arthur when she was just fourteen years old.
Despite the obstacles, she continues to face criticisms and stereotypes to pursue her studies at Ridgeway High School in Birkenhead.
“When I found out I was pregnant, I panicked at the thought of leaving school. However, I decided to continue my classes,” she recounts.
This decision not only opened the doors of the school for her, but it also allowed her to gradually dispel the value judgments that weigh on young mothers.
She obtained 3 certifications in the following specialties: animal care, business, and travel and tourism. She is justifiably proud of this achievement, even though an inner voice tells her that she could have done more.
“A teacher told me I would never make it, especially before Arthur was born. Proving them wrong fills me with immense pride.”
Faced with mocking remarks from some adults, Melissa maintains her determination and firmness. She is pursuing her studies to ensure a brighter future for her child, while relying very little on social benefits.
“As a teenage mom, I am subjected to many stereotypes. People should mind their own business, and if they have nothing good to contribute, they should keep quiet,” she says confidently.
She particularly wishes to thank her brother Kyle and her sister-in-law Amy for their unwavering support. “They have always trusted and encouraged me when I needed it, which allowed me to continue my studies despite the obstacles,” she explains.
Her teachers also played an essential role by supporting her when she had to catch up on delays.