After the birth, the parents were compelled to leave this daughter: they held hope of seeing her again

Recently, the story of Jingzhi, a young Chinese girl, has come to light.

Although her parents had abandoned her just five days after her birth, she eventually reunited with them as an adult.

Due to overpopulation in China at that time, the girl’s parents, Xu and Qian, were forced to give up their second daughter.

The parents were compelled to leave this daughter after her birth: they held hope of seeing her again.

In this case, the parents secretly left Jingzhi at the market and left a note beside her, thanking future teachers and explaining the circumstances that led them to this act.

After the birth, the parents were compelled to leave this daughter: they held hope of seeing her again

The girl was then placed in an orphanage, and a year later, an American family visited the orphanage to adopt her.

After 20 years, it was discovered that the biological parents had also provided the date and location when they would give birth to their daughter in ten or twenty years.

The parents were compelled to leave this daughter after her birth: they held hope of seeing her again.

The new parents initially kept this note hidden from Jingzhi, who was renamed Cathy, until she became curious about its story herself.


The American family quickly decided to let their little daughter make the final decision.

The girl’s meeting with her biological parents was made possible with the help of documentary filmmaker Chang.

The parents were compelled to leave this daughter after her birth: they held hope of seeing her again.

Katie and her biological parents couldn’t contain their emotions during the reunion.

Our heroine now maintains contact with her adoptive parents and her biological parents.

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After the birth, the parents were compelled to leave this daughter: they held hope of seeing her again
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