Cute little girl uses positive affirmations to work through an ouchie: her temperament on top

Instead of the words “There, everything is okay”, this little girl’s mother taught her things like “You are strong, you are beautiful, you are worthy”. Pay attention to the powerful impact this has on the child.

A small child’s temperament can be like a hurricane mixed with a roller coaster. So, it’s actually beneficial for parents to be able to soothe an upset child.

Cute little girl uses positive affirmations to work through an ouchie: her temperament on top
But this mom has a very special trick to calm the storm before it hits. She taught her daughter to read positive affirmations.

Cute little girl uses positive affirmations to work through an ouchie: her temperament on top

First, the trauma victim takes a few deep breaths. Her suffering almost flared up several times, but Mom held her breath until she was fine for a minute. Then she asked her daughter to say things like “You are worthy, you are strong, you are loved, you are beautiful.” The effect on the child is almost magical. You can see the recovery in his eyes.

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Cute little girl uses positive affirmations to work through an ouchie: her temperament on top
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