I accidentally found this vase in my grandfather’s garage and didn’t immediately understand what it was or what it was for.

I accidentally found this item in my grandfather’s garage and didn’t immediately realize what it was or its purpose 😲 Do you know what it is⁉ If not, you can find the correct answer below⬇⬇⬇

I accidentally found this vase in my grandfather's garage and didn't immediately understand what it was or what it was for.

My grandfather had been very ill for the last few years, and a month ago, he passed away. We all needed time to come to terms with it and sort through his belongings.

Throughout his life, he never allowed us or my grandmother to throw away his things, even though many of them were old and no longer needed. He kept everything in the garage.

So, when my family and I were sorting through his things, I accidentally found this unusual vase. We all, of course, didn’t immediately understand what it was or why Grandpa kept it.

I accidentally found this vase in my grandfather's garage and didn't immediately understand what it was or what it was for.

There were guesses that the vase might have been used for alcoholic beverages, particularly wine.

But when Grandma explained to us what the vase was for, we were all shocked.

It turns out that it’s what is called a “car vase,” which Grandpa used to use constantly when he was younger.

In the past (and some people still use them today), drivers would keep roses in such vases, which served not only as decoration for the car’s interior but also to eliminate unpleasant odors. They were later replaced by modern air fresheners.

I accidentally found this vase in my grandfather's garage and didn't immediately understand what it was or what it was for.

Did you guess what the vase was for? Did your ancestors have similar accessories? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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I accidentally found this vase in my grandfather’s garage and didn’t immediately understand what it was or what it was for.
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