A cat climbed into a box and was accidentally sent 1000 km away: video of the pet after the trip

Carrie’s beloved cat, named Galliano, always lived in the house, but on April 10 she disappeared without a trace. The family lost their feet in a fruitless search, but two weeks later they received a call from the warehouse where the returned parcels were being sorted. The office premises were located 1000 kilometers from the cat’s house.

A cat climbed into a box and was accidentally sent 1000 km away: video of the pet after the trip

The missing animal was found by employees of an Amazon warehouse in California, while Carrie’s home is in Utah. The cat was sitting in one of the boxes with returned goods.

A cat climbed into a box and was accidentally sent 1000 km away: video of the pet after the trip

It turned out that Galyana had jumped into a large box of work boots that her owners had bought on Amazon but decided to return. Carrie hastily packed the box and sent it back – right along with the cat.

A cat climbed into a box and was accidentally sent 1000 km away: video of the pet after the trip

The surprised pet was only seen in the warehouse. The worker took the cat to the veterinarian, who scanned her chip. Thus, he found out the name and telephone number of the owner.

A cat climbed into a box and was accidentally sent 1000 km away: video of the pet after the trip

Immediately after the call, Carrie bought a plane ticket and went to get her pet. By that time, the cat had already become accustomed to the warehouse.

Fortunately for the cat and its owners, there were holes in the box with the boots and the animal had something to breathe:

Carrie urged everyone to make sure their pets are microchipped. Without the chip, the cat would hardly have returned to her.

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A cat climbed into a box and was accidentally sent 1000 km away: video of the pet after the trip
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