It’s time to say goodbye: the man took his adorable dog on the last journey of his life

These touching images show how a man takes his sick dog on a “Final Adventure.”

The dog had little time left to live and was on a wheelchair. The man’s name is Carlos.

Carlos spent all the sad and happy days of his life with his faithful dog, Monti. They had many wonderful memories together.

They were connected by an inexplicable bond. Unfortunately, Monti was diagnosed with leukemia.

It's time to say goodbye: the man took his adorable dog on the last journey of his life

His owner did his best to treat him and started fighting it with various medications and a series of chemotherapy sessions.

But unfortunately, nothing helped.

Knowing that his best friend didn’t have much time left, he decided to devote time to their favorite hobbies.

They embarked on their final journey together. They climbed to the summit of Pen Fan in Brecon Beacons, where they played and had fun together.

It’s so touching to see how the owner accompanies his sick dog on the tracks of their last happy adventure in his wheelchair.

It's time to say goodbye: the man took his adorable dog on the last journey of his life

They stayed there for a week with some friends and shared unforgettable moments together.

Everyone who was there supported the man and his best friend. A week later, unfortunately, Monti passed away.

Carlos was in unbearably bad shape and felt inexplicably sad.

He will never forget his beloved dog, with whom he spent all the happy and sad days of his life.

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It’s time to say goodbye: the man took his adorable dog on the last journey of his life
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