Parents abandoned 4-year-old boy 2 years after adopting him, citing complicated situation

Myka and James started their YouTube channel in 2014, initially sharing their family life, starting with the birth of their daughter and Myka’s pregnancy.

Parents abandoned 4-year-old boy 2 years after adopting him, citing complicated situation

They later welcomed two more children and in 2016 decided to adopt.

After discovering Huksley in Ohio, with confirmed brain injuries and swelling, Myka, an oncology nurse, felt a strong connection and chose to adopt him.

Once adopted, they learned that Huksley had suffered a prenatal stroke, was severely autistic, and had sensory development issues.

Parents abandoned 4-year-old boy 2 years after adopting him, citing complicated situation

The family faced these challenges by providing specialized care, therapeutic treatments, and developmental support for Huksley.

Despite obstacles, Myka and her husband saw the adoption as a unique and rewarding experience, believing it would make them better parents.

The couple had their fifth biological child in June 2019. However, unexpected challenges arose after Huksley’s adoption, with serious complications related to his developmental condition.

Parents abandoned 4-year-old boy 2 years after adopting him, citing complicated situation

Concerns escalated in 2019-2020 when Huksley stopped appearing on the family’s platforms. Speculation and requests for clarification on social media followed.

In May 2020, the couple announced their intention to place Huksley with another family due to his special needs and health condition, sparking a strong reaction online.

Faced with numerous comments, the family emphasized Huksley’s well-being in his new environment.

Parents abandoned 4-year-old boy 2 years after adopting him, citing complicated situation

In June 2020, Myka announced that she was not capable of raising a child with special needs, acknowledging the pain caused and expressing regret for not sharing their story sooner

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Parents abandoned 4-year-old boy 2 years after adopting him, citing complicated situation
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