Shy autistic boy falls in love with Snow White at Disney World: The subtle and pure emotions

Jack is a two-year-old boy from Florida. He is shy, gentle and autistic. In this video, he’s dressed in his favorite Disney outfit, almost as if he knows something special is about to happen. And boy, something special happened.

Snow White works her magic in this video during a wonderful encounter with a special member of the Coley family.

You can see the moment Jack falls in love with Snow White. It was a beautiful moment for everyone nearby. Young Jack is completely in love with the perfect Snow White before him. Snow White is so sweet and the way the boy looks at her melts my heart.

Shy autistic boy falls in love with Snow White at Disney World: The subtle and pure emotions
That is what it means to be human. Mom said Jack must have loved that princess. He certainly seemed smitten. The young lady works beautifully, worthy of any Disney princess. She goes above and beyond the call of duty with her exemplary kindness and her smile is infectiously positive. Although autistic children are all very different, some of the most common characteristics they share are an aversion to direct eye contact and close contact, especially with strangers.

Shy autistic boy falls in love with Snow White at Disney World: The subtle and pure emotions
But Jack is enchanted by Snow White in this video. He sat next to her, looked straight into her face and even smiled when she smiled at him. It’s wonderful that Snow White can hold his hand. At one point, Jack put his head on her knee. Snow White’s reaction was pure joy as he reached out towards her.

The power of imagination is truly magical – Jack and the lovely young lady who plays Snow White did a great job.

She is truly a princess. Thank you for making this young man’s day even more special and making it a memory he will never forget.

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Shy autistic boy falls in love with Snow White at Disney World: The subtle and pure emotions
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