Many couples dream of having a child. Some dream of a boy, others long for a little princess.
And the third couple doesn’t rush to know the gender of the baby, as long as the little one is born healthy.
But when couples have many children, the appearance of a child of a certain gender often seems like a true miracle.
This is precisely the case of a happy couple who were able to give birth to a girl on their eleventh attempt.
Davy and Alexis shared the arrival of their daughter on social media.
The couple was deeply moved to hold their newborn princess in their arms and wanted to share their joyful moment with everyone.
When Alexis and Davy got married, they envisioned having a large family and having both daughters and sons.
But over the years, the couple gave birth to ten boys, almost a football team.
However, the couple didn’t lose hope, and they hoped that the next attempt would be successful.
It was during the eleventh ultrasound that it became clear that they were expecting a girl.
The happy parents were surprised and overwhelmed by the result of the examination.
According to Alexis, the children were overjoyed when they heard the news.
After fulfilling their dream, the couple decided to stop there.