The daughter underwent the same rare skull procedure as her father, almost three decades later

However, the resemblance doesn’t just concern the physical aspect: this little girl was born with the same rare condition as her father.

Currently, the girl has scars behind her ears, identical to those of her father. Both are affected by craniosynostosis, a condition that occurs extremely rarely.

This condition involves the fusion of a newborn’s skull bones before brain development is complete. Treating this condition requires surgical intervention.

The daughter underwent the same rare skull procedure as her father, almost three decades later

The father had undergone a similar procedure 27 years prior, and now it was his daughter’s turn.

After the birth of the baby girl, doctors initially hoped that the bones would correct themselves without the need for surgery within a few weeks.

However, both the father and his wife believed that surgery was still necessary, as he had undergone a similar procedure when he was only five months old, and fortunately, everything had gone well.

Since the father had already experienced a similar situation, he recognized that his daughter had a good chance of recovery.

“I underwent the same cranial operation with the application of a plate 27 years ago, and we believed that medical technology and surgical procedures had significantly improved in these 27 years,” the father said.

The little girl successfully underwent the same operation at the age of six months, and the recovery period was short. Now, looking at the photos before and after the intervention, the difference is evident.

The daughter underwent the same rare skull procedure as her father, almost three decades later

Today, she is a beautiful and perfectly healthy child who will grow up happily in her loving family.


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The daughter underwent the same rare skull procedure as her father, almost three decades later
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