A woman has given birth to her fifth child: the gigantic baby weighed more than 6 kilograms

A family joyfully welcomed the arrival of their fifth child at Cambridge Memorial Hospital.

Medical specialists were struck by the fact that this is the largest newborn recorded at that hospital in the past thirteen years.

The newborn was delivered via a cesarean section and weighed more than 6 kilograms at birth.

An experienced doctor with fifteen years of medical practice stated that this is the largest baby they have ever had the opportunity to assist.

A woman has given birth to her fifth child: the gigantic baby weighed more than 6 kilograms

The mother expressed her disbelief, saying, “It was truly astonishing when he came into the world. He weighed 7 kilograms, and we would have never imagined having such a big baby.” Fortunately, the baby was born in excellent health, and news of his birth quickly circulated among the hospital staff.

The doctor expressed their surprise: “When he was born, we were speechless. He was really chubby and robust, definitely out of the ordinary.”

This baby is the fifth child in this family, which also includes three brothers and a sister. The father shared that although all their children were born with above-average weights, this one is the largest among them.

A woman has given birth to her fifth child: the gigantic baby weighed more than 6 kilograms

The mother shared the incredible joy of holding her little one for the first time, stating, “I can’t describe the happiness I felt holding him in my arms. We have a wonderful family built on love.”

The parents of this unusually large baby believe that five children are enough, and he will be the last to join their happy family.

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A woman has given birth to her fifth child: the gigantic baby weighed more than 6 kilograms
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