This woman drew a beard on herself and became a “dad”: you won’t believe why she did it

Some time ago, a story went viral on social media about a single mother who painted a beard on her face to accompany her son to a school event.

Whitney Kittrell, the American in question, shared this experience in a post that was widely shared. She recounted the sadness she felt when her son came home with a note announcing a themed breakfast titled “Dads and Donuts” at school.

This woman drew a beard on herself and became a "dad": you won't believe why she did it

Whitney, who raises her children alone, asked her son if he wanted his grandfather to accompany him to the event. But her son, with a smile, replied, “No, I want it to be you, you’re my mom and dad.”

So, she dressed in dad attire, painted a beard on her face, and went to have breakfast with him.

This woman drew a beard on herself and became a "dad": you won't believe why she did it

Even though Whitney felt embarrassed, her son’s joy made all the sacrifices worth it. She stated, “I was so embarrassed, but I couldn’t help but smile when he introduced me to his friends saying ‘this is my mom… and also my dad, so I brought her!’”

She had promised herself, upon becoming a single mother, to do everything in her power to provide her children with a normal life, even if it meant stepping out of her comfort zone.

This woman drew a beard on herself and became a "dad": you won't believe why she did it

At the end of the event, her son thanked her and said he knew she would always be there for him. Whitney was very moved and hopes that her son will always remember this special day.

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This woman drew a beard on herself and became a “dad”: you won’t believe why she did it
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