Two 6-year-old children sit down at a public piano and steal the spotlight with their incredible abilities: Video

A small group of musicians delivered an unforgettable impromptu performance.

Some people take several years to acquire full mastery of piano practice.

Therefore, when you see a young child sitting in front of those famous black and white keys, you don’t expect to hear music that is completely inappropriate for their age.

Two 6-year-old children sit down at a public piano and steal the spotlight with their incredible abilities: Video

While some kids were playing in the dirt or sticking chewing gum in their sister’s ear at the age of six, others were achieving astonishing artistic feats.

All we can do is admire these young talents that inspire people worldwide.

Here, two young boys showcase their abilities.

Two 6-year-old children sit down at a public piano and steal the spotlight with their incredible abilities: Video

Passersby can’t help but stop and listen as six-year-old children sit down to play the piano at San Francisco’s Broadway Plaza.

The growing audience is amazed by the talent of a child effortlessly running his fingers across the keys.

Two 6-year-old children sit down at a public piano and steal the spotlight with their incredible abilities: Video

This astonishing prodigy, named Paul Petrescu, has gone viral.

Paul’s passion for the piano began during the period of the health crisis when his parents acquired a keyboard.

Watch the video HERE.

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Two 6-year-old children sit down at a public piano and steal the spotlight with their incredible abilities: Video
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