The mother of two boys dreamed of having a girl and gave birth to quintuplets: Everyone was surprised

Megan Heulen and her husband live in the United States. The couple raised two sons, aged 7 and 2, but they wanted to have another daughter.

The woman had polycystic ovarian syndrome and took medication to get pregnant in previous pregnancies.

But this time, when they decided to have a third child, they didn’t put in too much effort.

The mother of two boys dreamt of having a girl and gave birth to quintuplets: Everyone was surprised.

At the sixth week of pregnancy, the couple went for an ultrasound and found that five eggs had been fertilized.

After the ultrasound, Megan was so emotional that she couldn’t go home.

The mother of two boys dreamed of having a girl and gave birth to quintuplets: Everyone was surprised

She went to work and sat in a corner for an hour.

The mother of two boys dreamt of having a girl and gave birth to quintuplets: Everyone was surprised.

“The difference between having one child and having quintuplets was huge.

“I couldn’t even stand up for half an hour,” the young woman recalls.

However, even though the pregnancy was complicated, the delivery went perfectly. In the 32nd week of pregnancy, one boy and four girls were born via cesarean section.

The mother of two boys dreamed of having a girl and gave birth to quintuplets: Everyone was surprised

The premature babies spent 3 weeks in the intensive care unit.

The mother of two boys dreamt of having a girl and gave birth to quintuplets: Everyone was surprised.

According to Megan, initially, she and her husband were on their feet almost all day because just breastfeeding the babies took up to three hours.

They are now parents of seven children and have adapted to the new rhythm of life.

“Our life is not easy, but we are happy,” says the loving mother.

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The mother of two boys dreamed of having a girl and gave birth to quintuplets: Everyone was surprised
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