Reproached by her husband for her shape, she leaves him, loses weight and falls in love again

Called “fat” by her husband: she leaves him and changes clothes to teach him a lesson.

Excessive weight is an increasingly common concern these days. Despite an aesthetic concern that changes the physique of those affected, it increases health risk factors and has an enormous impact on the psychology and quality of life of those affected.

Reproached by her husband for her shape, she leaves him, loses weight and falls in love again

It even happens that certain couple relationships are reduced to nothing following a situation of obesity, as in the case of a young lady whose husband described every day as a “fat cow”. But with unwavering determination, she took control of her life and began to leave him. Find out more!

Reproached by her husband for her shape, she leaves him, loses weight and falls in love again

Avinar Rayne is a mother of 2 children, married and aged thirty-two. However, behind appearances, she does not experience a joyful and fulfilled life. Because of her overweight, she suffered the looks and derogatory remarks from her husband every day.

Rather than extracting money from her and trying to encourage her, he called her a “fat cow” and a “fat bacon”, which aggravated the moral weight of her condition.

Reproached by her husband for her shape, she leaves him, loses weight and falls in love again

The woman, weighing almost 124 kg, consumed more than 5 thousand calories in a day, which represented 2 fast food meals, several bowls of very sugary grain products and other cravings.

As a result, she was unable to find clothes in her size in women’s clothing stores and was forced to buy men’s items, the only ones that fit her.

In 2009, she undertook to get out of this situation and put an end to the psychological harassment to which she was the target from her partner.

She then started by leaving him, although he told her that if she left him, she would never meet someone capable of loving him, that she was worthless and that she would never be able to free herself. of his extra pounds.

Reproached by her husband for her shape, she leaves him, loses weight and falls in love again

But through determination and a diet reduced in sugars, the young woman was able to lose 59 kg and get back into the shape she dreamed of. She transformed into a young lady of astonishing beauty.

Reproached by her husband for her shape, she leaves him, loses weight and falls in love again

Just after this change, she meets her ex’s mother, who is upset by the young woman’s appearance. She does not take long to announce to her son the transformation of his ex-wife, which pushes him to contact her again to ask him to reconcile with her.

Reproached by her husband for her shape, she leaves him, loses weight and falls in love again

Not only did she absolutely refuse, but she was able to prove to him that she was worthy of true and authentic love.
She met Sacha, a thirty-two year old boy, who did not fail to ask her to marry him shortly after they met.

Reproached by her husband for her shape, she leaves him, loses weight and falls in love again

After losing all her unwanted pounds, the woman was able to free herself from a number of worries and health questions that she had as a result of being overweight.

Reproached by her husband for her shape, she leaves him, loses weight and falls in love again

She is also committed to helping other people who suffer from the same phenomenon and encouraging them to take charge of their lives.

Reproached by her husband for her shape, she leaves him, loses weight and falls in love again

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Reproached by her husband for her shape, she leaves him, loses weight and falls in love again
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