She gives her daughter the name of a Disney princess: the registrar refuses to accept it

Parents try to find suitable names for their newborns, sometimes searching for very special names that can sometimes seem ridiculous.

The woman in our story dreamed of giving birth to a little girl. Danielle Shap from Enfield, United Kingdom, was 45 years old.

Fortunately, her dream came true, and the happy mother began searching for a special name for her baby.

She chose to name her daughter after a fairy tale princess, Cinderella, which means Aschenputtel in German.

She gives her daughter the name of a Disney princess: the registrar refuses to accept it

When she went to the registry office to collect the child’s birth certificate, the registrar refused to accept this name.

He told her that it was not a serious name and requested that she change it, otherwise he would not complete the paperwork.

The woman didn’t want to choose another name and returned without the documents. She decided not to give in and stood her ground.

She gives her daughter the name of a Disney princess: the registrar refuses to accept it

The next day, she went back to the registry office and insisted that she had the right to give her child any name she wanted.

She explained that Cinderella, as the name of a Disney princess, was a traditional and sweet name. Furthermore, the girl’s full name was Lola Cinderella.

Fortunately, this time, the staff was easily convinced, and the little girl was named just as her mother wanted.

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She gives her daughter the name of a Disney princess: the registrar refuses to accept it
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