The watchman came to inspect the warehouse and saw bent iron doors, as if a huge creature had escaped from inside

In the evening, after finishing his work day, Robert closed the steel doors of the basement warehouse, as he did every evening. The next morning, when he went to inspect the premises, he was surprised to find that someone had gotten out from inside by bending several iron doors that had been further reinforced.

The watchman came to inspect the warehouse and saw bent iron doors, as if a huge creature had escaped from inside

The warehouse, located in the basement of a multi-story building, served as a storage place for goods for trade. Robert also owned a store on the ground floor of the same building. He chose the location not by chance: in addition to good traffic, the building was guarded around the clock.


The watchman came to inspect the warehouse and saw bent iron doors, as if a huge creature had escaped from inside

Robert admitted that he did not expect to see something like this. The heavy steel doors were twisted from the inside, as if someone was trying to get out with incredible force, he told reporters later.

The watchman came to inspect the warehouse and saw bent iron doors, as if a huge creature had escaped from inside

The mystery of the twisted doors was solved on the same day. It turned out that there was a swimming pool above the basement, and its windows faced the street. As a result of a heavy rainfall the day before, water flooded the floor and flooded the basement.

The water pressure was so strong that it bent the doors.

Robert will have to move his warehouse of goods for sale. The building owners were forced to accept that such an incident could happen again and take appropriate precautions.

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The watchman came to inspect the warehouse and saw bent iron doors, as if a huge creature had escaped from inside
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