81 years of marriage, 110 grandchildren, but this beautiful couple still loves each other like teenagers

The search for the secret of longevity has been part of human history for centuries. We all wish to preserve our youth and live longer.

In the past, shamans and seers would create formulas and talismanic products.

Today, we have our own tools to regain youth. This includes various beauty treatments, the production of creams, and the practice of injections.

However, it is impossible to go against nature. It is not up to us to decide a person’s lifespan.

Faustino and Estefania, from Mexico, have been a couple for 81 years.

81 years of marriage, 110 grandchildren, but this beautiful couple still loves each other like teenagers

It is worth noting that Estefania’s family opposed their union, but she was so in love with Faustino that, despite all obstacles, she married him and moved to another village.

Throughout their shared life, they have experienced both happy and sad moments, but together, they have been able to overcome everything.

The couple has had eleven children, sixty-five grandchildren, one hundred ten great-grandchildren, and eighteen great-great-grandchildren.

Despite their mature age, the spouses love each other deeply.

According to them, true love is everlasting and cannot fade over the years.

Just like in their youth, they enjoy being together, going for walks, and taking care of each other.

The members of their large family ensure that the elderly couple lacks nothing.

81 years of marriage, 110 grandchildren, but this beautiful couple still loves each other like teenagers

When asked about their lifespan, the couple has a habit of responding that one should not dwell on how much time is left to live.

It is important to appreciate each moment, in every circumstance. Especially when your loved one is by your side, you must take care of them, express how much you love and appreciate them.

After all, tomorrow they may no longer be here. As one ages, they gain wisdom and begin to appreciate life and loved ones in a different way.

What used to concern us greatly when we were young seems trivial when we are old. Faustino and Estefania are enjoying the present day and are happy.

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81 years of marriage, 110 grandchildren, but this beautiful couple still loves each other like teenagers
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