A 3-month-old baby chats with the grandmother: there is a unique connection between them

Once on an airplane, I saw a new grandmother gracefully and swiftly calm a crying newborn. The baby in her arms had started crying mid-flight.

After some sharp cries, the grandmother took her little distraught friend and began the ritual that adults around the world have been doing since time immemorial!

She rocked the girl’s torso from side to side, repeatedly patted her backside, and emitted a constant “sh-sh-sh” sound in the girl’s ear while simultaneously pressing her stomach against her shoulder. Her little bundle fell asleep in less than a minute.

A 3-month-old baby chats with the grandmother: there is a unique connection between them

It’s fascinating to think that someone who can soothe babies has a “talent.” However, calming babies doesn’t require special skills.

Rather, it requires knowledge of a fundamental yet entirely paradoxical fact about babies: they are all born three months early. Let us explain!

At birth, humans are very immature. On their first day of life, young horses can walk and even run.

In contrast, even burping requires our assistance with our newborns.

A 3-month-old baby chats with the grandmother: there is a unique connection between them

Consider the first three months of pregnancy as a simulated fourth trimester and an extension of the fetus’s existence.

We must therefore emulate the womb, which is a closed space filled with trembling movements and louder than a vacuum cleaner when it comes to caring for babies.

Most inexperienced grandparents naturally cradle and cuddle their crying newborn grandchildren.

This works because the soothing reflex, a built-in “cry switch,” can be activated by these actions!

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A 3-month-old baby chats with the grandmother: there is a unique connection between them
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