After some unfortunate events, to avoid sinking into despair, this woman decided to abandon everything to live in a camper van. At 63, armed with courage and resilience, Siobhan Daniels embarked on this wild adventure alone to experience a new life.
She says she is happier than ever.
Originally from Tunbridge Wells in Kent, this retired BBC South East journalist chose this alternative lifestyle six years ago, when she felt “anxious, weepy, and angry at the whole world.”
Determined not to wallow in her corner, she quit her job and left her apartment to buy an Auto-Trail Tribute camper van, named “Dora the Explorer.” This invaluable taste of freedom gave her the opportunity to travel across the country.
As a single mother, she explained that she was unhappy at work and was overwhelmed after the deaths of her mother and older sister. “I was pretending to have a life, just to get by.
But, I was fighting inside. I was completely destroyed. I was mentally exhausted; I couldn’t take it anymore. I wouldn’t wish what I went through on any woman…” she confided.
Since hitting the road, Siobhan has become very active on Instagram, frequently sharing her daily life with her followers.
Siobhan Daniels continues her journey and believes she made the best decision of her life. “I don’t pay rent anymore, and I’ve found freedom!” she joyfully says now that she’s settled into her camper van.